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材质 | Lacquer & Chrome |
尺寸 | 3.6 x 6.7cm / 45g |
制造国 | 中国 |
使用注意事项 | * Please note that Lighter is not a substitute for refund or exchange. The cloning sound of STDUPONT Lighter is a natural sound during the production process. Please note that the complaint of the product due to the sound is not the reason for the exchange or return. The pitch and ring of the cling sound and are different from each product, and can not be judged by good sound and bad sound. The Lighter is made of fire-fighting tools, and it is important to note that quality and sound are irrelevant. DuPont Lighter is handcrafted, so it can be scratchy on metalwork and lacquer products and will not be a reason for replacement or refund. (Due to the nature of the product), it is not possible to exchange / refund after ignition. - S.T.DUPONT It is recommended to use genuine refill only. (Gas and stone can be purchased at department store.) - A / s due to customer's fault will be charged within the warranty period. A / S costs incurred when the warranty is not attached. - The connecting pin attached to the inside of the lid can be unscrewed due to strength and vibration when opening and closing the lid. This is a natural phenomenon, not a product abnormality. - When opening the lid, open the lid parallel to the body side from the side so that force is evenly distributed to the connecting pin. If you open the lid with the corners, the connection pin may break due to the deformation of the liner or the lid. The S.T.DUPONT Lighter is a plated product, which can cause the plating to peel off or discolor. Especially for silver materials, it needs to be cleaned because it has the property of discoloring black when friction with oxygen occurs. Lacquer products can break if subjected to strong impact. Lighter A / S is not possible if the A/S is needed due to surface damage (lacquer breakage, plating discoloration, scratch). * Examples of factors that can not be ignited * - No gas / Print wheel (flint) worn, inverted / gas inlet broken - When using other gas than STDUPONT's genuine refill - An internal failure such as clogging can result in A / S costs. |
品质保证标准 | *皮革产品: 6个月 *其他腰带扣/打火机/笔类/配饰: 2年(在保证卡有保证期) *不可维修打火机的Cling声音(打开时的声音)。 *维修打火机需要把产品带回韩国进行处理。但打火机属易燃易爆物品入境时可能会被海关没收,对此免税店概不负责。(购买日起两年内持打火机,购买者本人护照,保修卡访问专柜申请维修) *如果无法访问专柜 需客户本人自行在国内进行维修。 |
种类 | 打火机 |
※ 本品牌不提供购物袋,也不提供礼盒包装服务。※
※ 出国前请在取货处确认产品是否完好无损。。※
※根据品牌运营政策,一个订单号码可购买的总数量限为5个,敬请参考。 ※
※ 购买S.T.DUPONT打火机时注意事项
*根据海关法,您所购买的所有打火机均不含气体。建议您使用都彭原装气体。 (需要在专卖店另行购买)
(尤其是在欧洲/中东地区中转时,一般都会被没收 )
都彭(S.T.DUPONT)是法国名牌。 25岁的西蒙迪索-都彭(Simon Tissot-Dupont) 决定专注于制造皮具及手提袋,成就卓越,更是首位将传统的行李箱冠以“公事包”之名,深受当时绅士贵族的欢迎及使用,一时蔚为风潮。 泰国的女国王、埃及的国王和王妃、印度王妃和欧洲的王室贵族都对都彭的产品爱不释手。都彭更特别为英女皇伊利莎白及爱丁堡公爵之婚礼制造一套旅行手提袋。
- 商品均为实物拍摄。但由于商品材质,摄像条件,显示器设置等因素,可能导致图片与实物存在轻微差别,最终颜色以实际商品为准。
- 因优惠条件不同,网上免税店与实体店的最终付款金额可能会有所不同。
- 根据关税法令及有关告示,领取免税商品后不可换货。
- 超过可购买数量、出现未及时付款、库存不足等情况时,即使订单显示已完成,也有可能系统会动取消掉。此外 商品出现瑕疵等问题,客服中心会另行与您取得联系。
- 取货后,若发现商品有质量或任何异常问题,请直接与客服中心联系。
- 顾客因故未领取订购商品时,在出境日10天内该订单将自动取消处理。 订单被取消后,在15个工作日将全额退还到顾客结帐时所使用的帐号。